This story follows a boy named Quon and his friends, who are "Attractors". Attractors are human beings who have awakened and have supernatural powers. Quon is determined to save them all. But a secret organization is hunting them...
Hiroshi Kamiya is a Japanese voice actor, singer and narrator affiliated with Aoni Production. He is best known for b...
See Hiroshi Kamiya's other roles →Kaori Nazuka is a Japanese freelance voice actress. She usually plays her characters with a signature childlike yet l...
See Kaori Nazuka's other roles →Ryoko Shiraishi is a Japanese voice actress and singer. She was a member of the now disbanded idol unit Drops.
See Ryoko Shiraishi's other roles →Jouji Nakata is a Japanese actor, voice actor, and narrator who is affiliated with the Office Osawa agency. His major...
See Jouji Nakata's other roles →Tatsuhisa Suzuki (鈴木 達央) is a Japanese voice actor and singer. He is affiliated with I'm Enterprise and Lantis. He is...
See Tatsuhisa Suzuki's other roles →Tomoyuki Shimura (志村 知幸, Shimura Tomoyuki, December 12, 1963) is a Japanese voice actor, narrator and actor. He was b...
See Tomoyuki Shimura's other roles →Kenta Miyake is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with 81 Produce.
See Kenta Miyake's other roles →Shin-ichiro Miki is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with 81 Produce and most known for his role as Kojiro (James) i...
See Shin-ichiro Miki's other roles →Sanae Kobayashi is a Japanese voice actress and singer. She was formerly affiliated with Production Baobab, and is no...
See Sanae Kobayashi's other roles →Saori Hayami is a Japanese voice actress, singer and narrator. She is represented by the agency I'm Enterprise.] As a...
See Saori Hayami's other roles →Kohsuke Toriumi is a Japanese voice actor, he uses the aliases Burisuke Houdentei and Spoon Sakiware for adult content.
See Kohsuke Toriumi's other roles →Mikako Komatsu (小松 未可子, Komatsu Mikako, November 11, 1988) is a Japanese voice actress, actress and singer from Kuwan...
See Mikako Komatsu's other roles →