Tokyo Underground is a manga series by Akinobu Uraka and published by Enix. It became an anime series, produced by Studio Pierrot and shown on the TV Tokyo Network from April 2 until September 24, 2002. The TV series was released on DVD by Geneon Entertainment in the US and Canada, released as a boxset by Manga Entertainment in the UK and by Tokyo Night Train in Australia. It also aired in Canada on the digital channel G4techTV Canada, starting on July 22, 2007 at 8:30 pm ET/PT.
Junko Noda (野田 順子, Noda Junko, born June 29, 1971) is a Japanese voice actress and singer born in Nipponbashi, Naniwa...
Tomokazu Seki (born September 8, 1972) is a popular and very famous seiyuu in Japan. He formerly worked for Haikyou, ...
Showtaro Morikubo is a Japanese actor, voice actor and singer who has voiced characters in anime, drama CDs, and vide...
Ikue Otani is a Japanese voice actress and singer, most famous for providing the voice of Pikachu in Pokémon. She too...
Kaoru Morota is a Japanese voice actress from Osaka, Japan. She is often typecast as Genki girls or tomboyish charact...
Shin-ichiro Miki is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with 81 Produce and most known for his role as Kojiro (James) i...
Soichiro Hoshi (保志 総一朗, Hoshi Sōichirō) is a Japanese voice actor. He uses the name Takeshi Aiba (相庭 剛志) for his adu...
Mayumi Iizuka is a Japanese voice actress.
Shigeru Ushiyama was born on January 25, 1952 and is currently 72 years old.
Masaki Terasoma (てらそま まさき, Terasoma Masaki) is a Japanese actor and voice actor who grew up in Osaka Prefecture. He i...
Haruhi Nanao was born on February 11, 1973 and is currently 51 years old.