Cast of
The Test of Donald Norton

About The Test of Donald Norton

  • Released on March 01, 1926

In the frozen north, a husky but not over-bright half-breed Indian seeks the identity of his white father. Any child in the audience could have told him this – despite the fact that the hissable hypocrite is actually presented as a man of character.

Full Cast of The Test of Donald Norton

George Walsh
plays Wen-dah-ben - aka Donald Norton

Tyrone Power Sr.
plays John Corrigal

Eugenia Gilbert
plays Lorraine

Evelyn Selbie
plays Nee-tah-wee-gan

Michael D. Moore
plays Wen-dah-ban - as a boy

Michael D. Moore as Wen-dah-ban - as a boy

Michael D. Moore (born Dennis Michael Sheffield, October 14, 1914 – March 4, 2013) was a Canadian-born American film ...

See Michael D. Moore's other roles

Virginia True Boardman

John Francis Dillon

Virginia Marshall

Edward Coxen
plays Layard

Robert Graves
plays Dale Millington

Crew of The Test of Donald Norton

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