Cast of
The Solarnauts

About The Solarnauts

A pilot for an unproduced British science fiction space adventure series.

Full Cast of The Solarnauts

David Garfield
plays Power

Derek Fowlds
plays Tempo

John Ringham
plays Tri-S

Alex Scott
plays Logik

Martine Beswick
plays Kandia

Peter Blair-Stewart

John Connell

Leslie Crawford

Cliff Diggins

Romo Gorrara

Romo Gorrara

Romo Gorrara was born on April 24, 1932 and passed away 26 years ago at the age of 65 on December 4, 1997.

See Romo Gorrara's other roles

Jan Leeming

Frank Maher

George Roubicek

George Roubicek was born on May 25, 1935 and is currently 89 years old.

See George Roubicek's other roles

Virgina Wetherell

Crew of The Solarnauts

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