Cast and Crew of The Mask

Cast of
The Mask

About The Mask

  • Released on June 17, 1921

The Mask 1921 film

Full Cast of The Mask

Jack Holt
plays Kenneth Traynor / Handsome Jack

Hedda Nova
plays Helen Traynor

Michael D. Moore
plays Mickey, their son (as Mickey Moore)

Michael D. Moore as Mickey, their son (as Mickey Moore)

Michael D. Moore (born Dennis Michael Sheffield, October 14, 1914 – March 4, 2013) was a Canadian-born American film ...

See Michael D. Moore's other roles

Fred Malatesta
plays Señor Enrico Keralio

Harry Lonsdale
plays Winthrop Parker

Byron Munson
plays Arthur Steele

Janice Wilson
plays Rae Madison

William Clifford
plays François

Crew of The Mask

Discover the backstage crew of The Mask →