Helena, a woman living a seemingly ordinary life, hides a dark secret: her father is the infamous “Marsh King,” the man who kept her and her mother captive in the wilderness for years. After a lifetime of trying to escape her past, Helena is forced to face her demons when her father unexpectedly escapes from prison.
Paul Benjamin Mendelsohn (born 3 April 1969) is an Australian actor. He first rose to prominence in Australia for his...
See Ben Mendelsohn's other roles →Brooklynn Prince (born May 4, 2010) is an American child actress widely known for her critically acclaimed role in th...
See Brooklynn Prince's other roles →Born in Roseau, Minnesota, Garrett spent his early years growing up on a farm in a small town. When he was in the nin...
See Garrett Hedlund's other roles →Gil Birmingham (born July 13, 1966) is an American actor of Comanche ancestry. He made his first TV appearance on an ...
See Gil Birmingham's other roles →