Named after the World War II-era program, the plot revolves around a gifted high school student who decides to construct a nuclear bomb for a national science fair. The film's underlying theme involves the Cold War of the 1980s when government secrecy and mutually assured destruction were key political and military issues.
John Arthur Lithgow (born October 19, 1945) is an American actor. Prolific in films, television and on stage, Lithgow...
See John Lithgow's other roles →Cynthia Ellen Nixon (born April 9, 1966) is an American actress, activist, and theater director. For her portrayal of...
See Cynthia Nixon's other roles →Charles John Mahoney (born June 20, 1940) was an English-born American actor, best known for playing Martin 'Marty' C...
See John Mahoney's other roles →Robert Sean Leonard (born February 28, 1969) is an award-winning American actor. He has regularly starred in Broadw...
See Robert Sean Leonard's other roles →Steve Blum is an American voice actor, especially for animated film and television productions.
See Steve Blum's other roles →Fred Melamed (born May 13, 1956 in New York City) is an American actor and writer. He received his theatrical trainin...
See Fred Melamed's other roles →