Cast and Crew of The Magnificent Two

Cast of
The Magnificent Two

About The Magnificent Two

  • Released on July 05, 1967
  • Comedy

Two salesmen travel to a small South American Country to peddle their wares. However the country is in the middle of a major conflict between the Government led by Diaz and the rebels led by Torez. When Torez is accidentally killed the rebels mistaken pick up one of the salesmen, Eric, as he looks like Torez. Eric and Ernie are promised millions to carry on the charade once the rebels take charge. However once Eric takes charge he finds himself back in danger as scheming general Carillo plans to remove the impostor from his role.

Full Cast of The Magnificent Two

Eric Morecambe
plays Eric/Fernando Torres

Ernie Wise
plays Ernie

Cecil Parker
plays British Ambassador

Margit Saad
plays Carla

Virgilio Teixeira
plays General Carrillo

Isobel Black
plays Officer Juanita

Martin Benson
plays President Diaz

Michael Godfrey
plays Manuelo

Sue Sylvaine
plays Carmelita Diaz

Henry Beltran
plays Jose Diaz

Tyler Butterworth
plays Miguel Diaz

Sandor Elès
plays Armandez

Andreas Malandrinos
plays Drunken Soldier , Juan

Victor Maddern
plays Drunken Soldier

Charles Laurence
plays Sharpshooter

Michael Gover
plays Dr Pablo

Larry Taylor
plays Paco

David Charlesworth
plays Fernando Torres

Hugo de Vernier
plays Hard Faced Man

Veronica Carlson
plays Revolutionary (uncredited)

Ivor Dean
plays Advisor (uncredited)

Anthony Blackshaw
plays Soldier (uncredited)

Harry Fielder
plays Soldier (uncredited)

Harry Fielder as Soldier (uncredited)

Prolific British background actor.

See Harry Fielder's other roles

Hugh Futcher
plays Soldier (uncredited)

Hugh Futcher was born on October 29, 1937 and is currently 86 years old.

See Hugh Futcher's other roles

Mike Reid
plays Train Guard (uncredited)

Aubrey Morris
plays News Announcer (uncredited)

Aubrey Morris as News Announcer (uncredited)

Aubrey Morris was born on June 1, 1926 and passed away 8 years ago at the age of 89 on July 15, 2015.

See Aubrey Morris's other roles

Crew of The Magnificent Two

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