Already deep into a second Cold War, Britain’s Ministry of Defense seeks a game-changing weapon. Programmer Vincent McCarthy unwittingly provides an answer in The Machine, a super-strong human cyborg. When a programming bug causes the prototype to decimate his lab, McCarthy takes his obsessive efforts underground, far away from inquisitive eyes.
Caitlin Marie Lotz (born December 30, 1986) is an American actress, dancer and singer. She has portrayed Stephanie Ho...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Denis Stamper Lawson (born 27 September 1947) is a Scottish actor and directo...
Sam Hazeldine was born on March 29, 1972 and is currently 52 years old.
Jonathan Byrne was born on January 1, 1977 and is currently 48 years old.
Helen Griffin is a Welsh actress, playwright and screenwriter. Griffin was born in Swansea in South Wales in 1958 and...
After an education in South Wales, Morris graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University. Fluent in Welsh and Engl...