Cast of
The Legend of the Gold Train

About The Legend of the Gold Train

In the endgame of WWII a few hundred bank employees and their family members rescued Hungary's entire gold reserves on a train from the Soviet army and were hiding it in a small Austrian village until the end of the war.

Full Cast of The Legend of the Gold Train

Lehel Kovács
plays Cottely

Miklós Bányai
plays Tarnay

Attila Szél
plays Engelmayer

Péter Takátsy
plays Zalán

Attila Dolmány
plays Tuboly

Tamás Ördög
plays Orvos

Szabolcs Bede-Fazekas
plays Jankovics

Anna Szandtner
plays Júlia

Vilmos Papucsek
plays Narrator

Tamás Bánkuty
plays himself

Dr. János Botos
plays himself

Dr. Ágnes Engelmayer
plays herself

György Szapáry
plays himself

István Veres
plays himself

Barna Zalán
plays himself

Björn Freiberg
plays Schlüsselmann

Zengő Markó
plays Ági

Mikró Bősz
plays Jancsi

Judit Ligeti Kovács
plays Engelmayerné

Matt Devere
plays Cowles

Francis McBurney
plays Pereira

Tulian Aczel
plays German soldier

Bertalan Kelecsényi
plays Mild

Kunó Markó
plays Ákos

Benjamin Hárs
plays Pisti

Viktória Tüttő
plays Rozi

Luca Lestyán
plays Aranka

Kata Sarbó
plays Cottelyné

Michael Daramola
plays American soldier #1

István Rubóczki
plays American soldier #2

János Jebudenszky
plays Platform inspector

Crew of The Legend of the Gold Train

Discover the backstage crew of The Legend of the Gold Train →