Cast of
The Last Soviet Movie

About The Last Soviet Movie

  • Released on May 04, 2003

A spoof of Soviet epics.

Full Cast of The Last Soviet Movie

Dzintars Belogrudovs

Yevgeniya Kryukova

Igor Klass

Larisa Shakhvorostova

Valdemārs Karpačs

Andris Bērziņš

Ints Burāns

Rihards Daugavietis

Alexander Hahn

Juris Kalniņš

Aleksandrs Petukhovs

Aleksandrs Petukhovs

Aleksandrs Petukhovs was born on March 23, 1967 and is currently 57 years old.

See Aleksandrs Petukhovs's other roles

Igors Vilenskis

Imbi Strenga

Leonīds Lencs

Leo Hiršsons

Herbert Haider

Crew of The Last Soviet Movie

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