Cast of
The Last Great Ride

About The Last Great Ride

  • Released on January 01, 1999
  • Comedy

A kid, his new friend who's a girl, his grandmother and their old neighbor who used to work as a driver for a gangster, search for the treasure supposedly hidden nearby by the gangster long time ago, to help the neighbor keep his house.

Full Cast of The Last Great Ride

Ernest Borgnine
plays Franklin Lyle

Ernest Borgnine as Franklin Lyle

Ernest Borgnine (born Ermes Effron Borgnino; January 24, 1917 – July 8, 2012) was an American actor whose career span...

See Ernest Borgnine's other roles

Eileen Brennan
plays Pamela 'Mimi' Applegate

Jeffrey Sharmat
plays Ian Mackensie

Stephanie Sawyer
plays Juliet 'Jules' Davies

Jason Hervey
plays Jimmy Murano

Jason Hervey as Jimmy Murano

Jason Hervey was born on April 6, 1972 and is currently 52 years old.

See Jason Hervey's other roles

Bonnie Cahoon
plays Camilla

Cris Borgnine
plays Sheriff

Lindsey Brooke
plays Nicole

Joey Dedio
plays Bentley the Dog (voice)

Crew of The Last Great Ride

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