Cast and Crew of The Guest

Cast of
The Guest

About The Guest

  • Released on July 10, 2019

Dumped by his girlfriend and finding himself stranded on different couches at friends’ places, Guido tries to transform his drift into an opportunity for a new beginning.

Full Cast of The Guest

Daniele Parisi
plays Guido

Anna Bellato
plays Lucia

Silvia D'Amico
plays Chiara

plays Roberta

Sergio Pierattini
plays Alberto

Sergio Pierattini as Alberto

Sergio Pierattini was born on July 27, 1958 and is currently 65 years old.

See Sergio Pierattini's other roles

Milvia Marigliano
plays Gioietta

Daniele Natali
plays Dario

Guglielmo Favilla
plays Pietro

Crew of The Guest

Discover the backstage crew of The Guest →