Cast of
The First A.D.

About The First A.D.

  • Released on December 01, 2011
  • Comedy

Adam Scott presents this behind-the-scenes look at the world's worst first assistant director, with Ken Marino and Mark Duplass.

Full Cast of The First A.D.

Mark Duplass

Mark Duplass

Mark David Duplass  (born 7 December 1976) is an American film director, film producer, actor and screenwriter. Dupl...

See Mark Duplass's other roles



LP was born on December 16, 1978 and is currently 45 years old.

See LP's other roles

Ken Marino

Ken Marino

Ken Marino is an American actor, comedian, director, and screenwriter. He was born on December 19, 1968, in Long Isla...

See Ken Marino's other roles

Taylor Robinson
plays Cameraman

Crew of The First A.D.

Discover the backstage crew of The First A.D. →