The Crown with a Shadow

A mixed-media animated film based on the real-world gender morphing Pink Skunk Fish. The story is led by a male fish who transforms and learns from his mother the logic of a shared universe in the face of a bully shark.

Full Cast of The Crown with a Shadow

Paul Reubens

Paul Reubens

Paul Reubens (August 27, 1952 - July 30, 2023) was an American actor, writer, film producer, game show host, and come...

Geri Horner

Geri Horner

Geraldine Estelle Horner is an English singer, songwriter, author and actress. She rose to prominence in the 1990s as...

Tatum O'Neal

Tatum O'Neal

Tatum Beatrice O'Neal (born November 5, 1963) is an American actress best known for her film work as a child actress ...


Sawyer Lee

Crew of The Crown with a Shadow

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