Cast of
The Black Tulip

About The Black Tulip

  • Released on October 26, 2012

The Mansouri family opens up a new restaurant after the fall of the Taliban in Kabul, Afghanistan only to be subsequently targeted by factional Taliban elements.

Full Cast of The Black Tulip

Haji Gul Aser
plays Hadar Mansouri

Sonia Nassery Cole
plays Farishta

Leo Solomon
plays Akram Zabuli

Leo Solomon is an actor.

See Leo Solomon's other roles

Somajia Razaya
plays Belkis Mansouri

Hosna Tanha
plays Bobo Jan

Basir Mujaheed
plays Amanullah

Shafi Sahel
plays Old Afghan Poet

Payenda Joyenda
plays Gul

Sadaf Yarmal
plays Satara Mansouri

Sayed Rahim Sayeedi
plays Majuba

Crew of The Black Tulip

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