Cast and Crew of The Assisi Underground

Cast of
The Assisi Underground

About The Assisi Underground

  • Released on May 03, 1985

This film sheds light on the role of the Catholic Church and the people of Assisi in rescuing Italian Jews from the Nazis in 1943.

Full Cast of The Assisi Underground

Ben Cross
plays Padre Rufino

James Mason
plays Bishop Nicolini

Irene Papas
plays Mother Giuseppina

Maximilian Schell
plays Col. Müller

Karlheinz Hackl
plays Capt. von Velden

Paolo Malco
plays Paolo Josza

Maurice Poli
plays Vito

Giancarlo Prete
plays Col. Gay

Edmund Purdom
plays Cardinal Della Costa

Tom Felleghy
plays General Bremer

Riccardo Cucciolla
plays Luigi Brizzi

Angelo Infanti
plays Giorgio Kropf

Angelo Infanti as Giorgio Kropf

Angelo Infanti (16 February 1939 – 12 October 2010) was an Italian film actor. He appeared in more than 90 films betw...

See Angelo Infanti's other roles

Delia Boccardo
plays Couness Cristina

Roberto Bisacco
plays Prof. Riety

Didi Ramati
plays Mrs. Eva Rieti

Geoffrey Copleston
plays Police Chief Bertolucci

Venantino Venantini
plays Pietro

Alfredo Pea
plays Gino Bartali

Marne Maitland
plays Rabbi

Samuele Goldzader
plays Carlo Maionica

Paolo Giusti
plays Lt. Poddu

Eurilla del Bono
plays Franca Covarelli

Sergio Nicolai
plays Don Brunacci

Max Turilli
plays Prison Guard

David Brandon
plays English Officer

Carlos de Carvalho
plays English Officer

Fabio Meyer
plays SS Man

Crew of The Assisi Underground

Discover the backstage crew of The Assisi Underground →