The historical romantic comedy follows 17-year-old high schooler Sagara Yoshiharu who one day time-travels to the Sengoku period, where all the major Samurai lords are cute girls. Yoshiharu meets Oda Nobuna, the girl counterpart of Oda Nobunaga, and begins to serve her as a substitute of Kinoshita Toukichirou, who has been dead in the world.
Takuya Eguchi is a Japanese voice actor and singer from Setagaya, Tokyo. He is affiliated with 81 Produce. He has voi...
Kanae Ito was born on November 26, 1986 and is currently 38 years old.
Hitomi Nabatame was born on August 4, 1976 and is currently 48 years old.
Sayuri Yahagi (矢作 紗友里, Yahagi Sayuri, born September 22, 1986) is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with I'm Enterp...
Tomoko Kaneda was born on May 29, 1973 and is currently 51 years old.
Misato Fukuen (福圓 美里, Fukuen Misato) is a Japanese actress and voice actress affiliated with StarCrew. Her real name ...
Yui Ogura is a Japanese voice actress and singer. She is a member of the duo YuiKaori and a former member of the gro...
Emiri Kato (加藤 英美里, Katō Emiri, November 26, 1983) is a Japanese voice actress and singer from Fussa, Tokyo. She is a...
Kiyoyuki Yanada (born May 10, 1965) is a Japanese voice actor, affiliated with 81 Produce.
Mamiko Noto is a Japanese voice actress and singer working under Office Osawa. Noto was born in Ishikawa Prefecture....
Sumire Morohoshi is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with Himawari Theatre Group.
Ryohei Kimura is a Japense voice actor
Rumi Okubo is a Japanese voice actress.
Rina Sato (佐藤 利奈, Satō Rina) is a Japanese voice actress and singer who works for Haikyō. She won the Best Lead Actre...
Mitsuki Saiga is a Japanese voice actress. Due to her masculine voice she is mostly typecast to voice manly women or ...
Takahiro Sakurai is a Japanese voice actor who was born in Okazaki. He was a member of 81 Produce and has been attach...