Cast and Crew of The Adventures of Hercules

Cast of
The Adventures of Hercules

About The Adventures of Hercules

  • Released on August 26, 1985

Hercules searches for the Seven Thunderbolts of Zeus, which have been stolen by renegade gods.

Full Cast of The Adventures of Hercules

Lou Ferrigno
plays Hercules

Lou Ferrigno as Hercules

Louis Jude "Lou" Ferrigno (born November 9, 1951 ) is an American actor, fitness trainer/consultant, and retired prof...

See Lou Ferrigno's other roles

Milly Carlucci
plays Urania

Sonia Viviani
plays Glaucia

William Berger
plays King Minos

Carla Ferrigno
plays Athena

Claudio Cassinelli
plays Zeus

Maria Rosaria Omaggio
plays Hera

Serena Grandi
plays Euryale

Pamela Prati
plays Aracne

Alessandra Canale
plays Deianira

Andrea Belfiore
plays First Amazon

Margit Evelyn Newton
plays Aphrodite

Cindy Leadbetter
plays Ilia

Eva Robin's
plays Dedalos

Laura Lenzi
plays Flora

Ferdinando Poggi
plays Poseidon

Venantino Venantini
plays High Priest

Raf Baldassarre
plays Atreus

Sandra Venturini
plays Teti

Christina Basili
plays The Little People

Crew of The Adventures of Hercules

Discover the backstage crew of The Adventures of Hercules →