Cast and Crew of Super Eruption

Cast of
Super Eruption

About Super Eruption

A Yellowstone National Park scientist and a thrill-seeking ranger join forces to plug-up a volatile super volcano that threatens to wipe out the entire United States.

Full Cast of Super Eruption

Richard Burgi
plays Charlie Young

Richard Burgi as Charlie Young

Richard William Burgi is an American actor known for his work in television and film. He was born on July 30, 1958, i...

See Richard Burgi's other roles

Juliet Aubrey
plays Kate

MyAnna Buring
plays Claire

MyAnna Buring as Claire

MyAnna Buring is a Swedish-born British actress, known for her roles in The Descent, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn...

See MyAnna Buring's other roles

Peter Vollebregt
plays George Howe

Daniel S. Ehrlich
plays Jake

Alex Wyndham
plays Josh

Alex Wyndham as Josh

Alex Wyndham is an Oxford University and Royal Academy of Dramatic Art graduate. He's starred in Emmy-winning TV show...

See Alex Wyndham's other roles

Crew of Super Eruption

Discover the backstage crew of Super Eruption →