Cast and Crew of Space Station 3D

Cast of
Space Station 3D

About Space Station 3D

Some 220 miles above Earth lies the International Space Station, a one-of-a-kind outer space laboratory that 16 nations came together to build. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this extraordinary structure in this spectacular IMAX film. Viewers will blast off from Florida's Kennedy Space Center and the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Russia for this incredible journey -- IMAX's first-ever space film. Tom Cruise narrates.

Full Cast of Space Station 3D

Tom Cruise
plays Narrator

Tom Cruise as Narrator

Thomas Cruise Mapother IV (born July 3, 1962), known professionally as Tom Cruise, is an American actor and producer....

See Tom Cruise's other roles

James Arnold
plays Himself

Michael J. Bloomfield
plays Himself (Pilot, STS-97)

Robert D. Cabana
plays Himself (Commander, STS-88)

Leroy Chiao
plays Himself

Kenneth D. Cockrell
plays Himself

Robert L. Curbeam Jr.
plays Himself

Brian Duffy
plays Himself (Commander, STS-92)

Marc Garneau
plays Himself (Mission Specialist, STS-97)

Michael L. Gernhardt
plays Himself (Mission Specialist, STS-104)

Yuri Pavlovich Gidzenko
plays Himself (Soyuz Commander, Expedition One)

Umberto Guidoni
plays Himself

Chris Hadfield
plays Himself

Susan Helms
plays Herself (Expedition Two Flight Engineer)

Charles Owen Hobaugh
plays Himself (Pilot, STS-104)

Marsha Ivins
plays Herself (Mission Specialist, STS-98)

Brent W. Jett Jr.
plays Himself (Commander, STS-97)

Thomas D. Jones
plays Himself (Mission Specialist, STS-98)

Greg Jurls
plays Himself (Video Producer)

Janet Lynn Kavandi
plays Herself (Mission Specialist, STS-104)

James M. Kelly
plays Himself (Pilot, STS-102)

Sergei Krikalev
plays Himself (Flight Engineer, Expedition One)

Steven W. Lindsey
plays Himself (Commander, STS-104)

Yuri Valentinovich Lonchakov
plays Himself (Mission Specialist, STS-100)

Michael E. López-Alegría
plays Himself

William Surles McArthur Jr.
plays Himself

Pamela Ann Melroy
plays Herself (Pilot, STS-92)

James H. Newman
plays Himself (Mission Specialist, STS-88)

Scott E. Parazynski
plays Himself

John L. Phillips
plays Himself (Mission Specialist, STS-100)

Mark L. Polnaksy
plays Himself

James F. Reilly II
plays Himself

Paul William Richards
plays Himself

Kent V. Rominger
plays Himself (Commander, STS-100)

Jerry L. Ross
plays Himself (Mission Specialist, STS-88)

William M. Shepherd
plays Himself (Commander, Expedition One)

Joseph R. Tanner
plays Himself (Mission Specialist, STS-97)

Andrew S.W. Thomas
plays Himself

Yury Usachev
plays Himself (Expedition Two Commander)

James S. Voss
plays Himself (Flight Engineer, Expedition Two)

Koichi Wakata
plays Himself (Mission Specialist, STS-92)

James D. Wetherbee
plays Himself (Commander, STS-102)

Peter J.K. Wisoff
plays Himself

Crew of Space Station 3D

Discover the backstage crew of Space Station 3D →