Cast of
Should I Be Good?

About Should I Be Good?

  • Released on January 01, 1985

Based on actual events surrounding a New Zealand drug scandal that involved the murder of Martin Johnstone of the UK, in the early 1070's. Johnstone had been dubbed "Mr Asia" by international police who were about to arrest him. Then when police were about to arrest his killer, that person was killed while in Police custody. Some feel the real "Mr Asia" is alive today. The film tries to tell about private efforts to try and reach the real killer and villain.

Full Cast of Should I Be Good?

Harry Lyon
plays Nat Godman

Joanne Mildenhall
plays Vicki Strassbourg

Spring Rees
plays Anne-Marie Carre

Hammond Gamble
plays Ed Patterson

Beverley Morrison
plays Julie Patterson

Terence Cooper
plays Frank Lauber

Robin Dene
plays Robert Appleby

Simon O'Connor
plays Michael Elworthy

John Chico
plays Chico

Christine Higgs
plays Caroline Prendergast

Bruce Allpress
plays Neville Oswald

Bruce Allpress as Neville Oswald

Bruce Allpress was born on August 25, 1930 and passed away 4 years ago at the age of 89 on April 23, 2020.

See Bruce Allpress's other roles

Crew of Should I Be Good?

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