Cast and Crew of Secret of the Red Orchid

Cast of
Secret of the Red Orchid

About Secret of the Red Orchid

  • Released on March 01, 1962

Rival gangsters from Chicago move to London and attempt to extort money from rich Britons.

Full Cast of Secret of the Red Orchid

Christopher Lee
plays Capt. Allerman

Christopher Lee as Capt. Allerman

Christopher Lee was an English actor and musician. Lee initially portrayed villains and became famous for his role as...

See Christopher Lee's other roles

Adrian Hoven
plays Insp. Weston

Marisa Mell
plays Lilian Ranger

Pinkas Braun
plays Edwin

Christiane Nielsen
plays Cora Minelli

Eric Pohlmann
plays Kerkie Minelli

Fritz Rasp
plays Tanner

Wolfgang Büttner
plays Chiefinsp. Tetley

Herbert A. E. Böhme
plays Oberst Drood

Günther Jerschke
plays Mr. Shelby

Klaus Kinski
plays Steve

Eddi Arent
plays Parker

Sigrid von Richthofen
plays Mrs. Moore

Hans Paetsch

Edgar Wenzel

Florent Antony

Helmut Ashley

Friedrich G. Beckhaus

Horst Breitkreuz

H.M. Crayon

Peter Frank

Willem Fricke

Ernst Fritz Fürbringer

Benno Gellenbeck

Kurt A. Jung

Konrad Mayerhoff

Antic Melkior

Charles Palent

Frank Straass

Hans Zesch-Ballot

Crew of Secret of the Red Orchid

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