Cast and Crew of Running Scared

Cast of
Running Scared

About Running Scared

  • Released on December 05, 2019

No matter what sport his parents stuck him into, Zachary, knew it was not for him. He played the sport because it was what was expected of him. Boys play sports. Zachary did not know what he wanted to do or become. This year it was flag football. It's game day. Little did Zachary know his life would forever be changed.

Full Cast of Running Scared

Jackson Lynch
plays Young Zac Gates

Carter Harcek
plays Brian Ann Mason

Jesse Schratz
plays Jaz Ethin McCloud

Jesse Schratz as Jaz Ethin McCloud

Jesse Schratz is an actor, born and raised in Northern New Jersey. He started acting at the age of 7 and has been in ...

See Jesse Schratz's other roles

Frankie Petrosino
plays Jake Lisp

Jack Corrigan
plays Flipp Russell

Jonas Wishnic
plays Lloyd Francisco

Tara Madison
plays Mom (Voice)

Dylan Gassner
plays Brett Taylor

Cade Burton
plays Lane Jackson

Logan Barnett
plays Kyle Kennedy

Rachel D'Ambrosio
plays Illyana Gates

Peter LoPresti
plays Football Teammate

Logan Wilson
plays Football Teammate

Jivan Xander Ramesh
plays Robert Bosby

Jivan Xander Ramesh as Robert Bosby

Jivan Xander Ramesh was born on May 25, 2008 and is currently 16 years old.

See Jivan Xander Ramesh's other roles

Emmalee Kocsi
plays Jane Gibbs

Nico Petrosino
plays Phil Gibbs

Christopher Schneider
plays Chris

Adrian Tedder
plays Ben Taylor

Jesse Trabold
plays Asher Gates

Logan Preston Hale
plays Football Teammate

Albert Jack Peterson
plays Huskies Player

Crew of Running Scared

Discover the backstage crew of Running Scared →