Cast of
Revenge for a Rape

About Revenge for a Rape

  • Released on November 19, 1976

When three men attack and rape a man's wife while on a camping trip, he takes it upon himself to hunt them down.

Full Cast of Revenge for a Rape

Mike Connors
plays Travis Green

Robert Reed
plays Sheriff Paley

Tracy Brooks Swope
plays Amy Green

Larry Watson
plays Cooper

Deanna Lund
plays Raleigh

Jock Livingston
plays Curly

Glenn R. Wilder
plays Chuck

Glenn R. Wilder as Chuck

Glenn R. Wilder was born on September 1, 1933 and passed away 6 years ago at the age of 83 on July 7, 2017.

See Glenn R. Wilder's other roles

Roger Dressler
plays Dr. Bird

Shirley Barclay
plays Nurse

Joe Austin
plays Postmaster Farley

Campbell Lane
plays Gas Station Attendant

Betty Kerwin
plays Margaret

Crew of Revenge for a Rape

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