Cast and Crew of Portrait of a Mobster

Cast of
Portrait of a Mobster

About Portrait of a Mobster

  • Released on April 19, 1961

A vicious hood rises to the top of the rackets in Depression-era New York in this account of the life of Dutch Schultz.

Full Cast of Portrait of a Mobster

Vic Morrow
plays Dutch Schultz

Leslie Parrish
plays Iris Murphy

Peter Breck
plays Frank Brennan

Robert McQueeney
plays Michael Ferris

Ken Lynch
plays Anthony Parazzo

Stephen Roberts
plays Guthrie

Joseph Gallison
plays Vincent Coll

Ray Danton
plays 'Legs' Diamond

Larry J. Blake
plays John Murphy

Anthony Eisley
plays Legal Advisor

Joe Turkel
plays Joe Noe

Norman Alden
plays Bo Wetzel

Norman Alden as Bo Wetzel

Norman Alden was born on September 13, 1924 and passed away 11 years ago at the age of 87 on July 27, 2012.

See Norman Alden's other roles

Crew of Portrait of a Mobster

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