Peeping Times is a comedy special that aired on NBC on January 25, 1978. Co-produced, written and directed by Rudy De Luca and Barry Levinson, the special featured an early broadcast network appearance of David Letterman. David Frost was co-executive producer. The show was a spoof of TV news magazine programs.
David Michael Letterman (born April 12, 1947) is an American former television talk show host, comedian, writer, and ...
See David Letterman's other roles →James Oliver Cromwell (born 27 January 1940) is an American film and television actor, probably best known for his ro...
See James Cromwell's other roles →Larry Michael Hankin is an American character actor, performer, director, comedian and producer. He is known for his ...
See Larry Hankin's other roles →From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Melvin Brooks (né Kaminsky, born June 28, 1926) is an American filmmaker, com...
See Mel Brooks's other roles →