Cast of
Parted Curtains

About Parted Curtains

  • Released on April 02, 1920

A young man just released from prison can't find work because no employer will hire an ex-convict. Broke and hungry, he steals money off of a painter. The painter, however, takes pity on him and decides to help him get his life back together.

Full Cast of Parted Curtains

Henry B. Walthall
plays Joe Jenkins

Mary Alden
plays Mrs. Masters

William Clifford
plays The Weasel

Edward Cecil
plays Wheeler Masters

Margaret Landis
plays Helen

Michael D. Moore
plays Bobby Masters

Michael D. Moore as Bobby Masters

Michael D. Moore (born Dennis Michael Sheffield, October 14, 1914 – March 4, 2013) was a Canadian-born American film ...

See Michael D. Moore's other roles

Ann Davis

Charles Wheelock

Richard Morris

Crew of Parted Curtains

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