Chun Woo-hee

Chun Woo-hee
Movie and TV Credits

Chun Woo-hee was born on April 20, 1987 and is currently 37 years old.

About Chun Woo-hee

Chun Woo-hee is a South Korean actress. She made her acting debut in 2004, but first drew attention with her supporting role as a rebellious teenager in the 2011 box-office hit Sunny.

Source: Wikipedia

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Movie Credits

Chun Woo-hee has appeared in 29 movies.

Some of Chun Woo-hee's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Chun Woo-hee has appeared in 12 TV Series.

These include Delightfully Deceitful, Argon, Be Melodramatic, Street Woman Fighter, Vampire Idol, Still, Marry Me, The Outstanding Woman, The Atypical Family, The 8 Show, House on Wheels, My Little Old Boy and Amazing Saturday.