Cast and Crew of One of Them!

Cast of
One of Them!

About One of Them!

  • Released on April 04, 1998

One of Them! was one of two dramas (alongside Niki Caro movie Memory and Desire) inspired by short stories collected in Peter Wells' 1991 book Dangerous Desires. It was made for TV One as a Montana Sunday drama. Set in Auckland, 1965, One of Them! follows Lemmy and Jamie, two teenage boys coming to terms with their sexuality. In the dark days before gay liberation, bullying and intimidation was rife, and while the boys flaunt their sissyness, their internalized homophobia wreaks havoc on their emotional lives — until they can admit to being "one of them".

Full Cast of One of Them!

Ciaran Pennington
plays Jamie

Cameron J. Watt
plays Lemmy

Stephen Papps
plays Frenchie Friggs

Ray Woolf
plays Mr. Stephenson

Alannah O'Sullivan
plays Mrs. Stephenson

Collette Pennington
plays Mrs. Caughey

Maggie Tarver
plays Mrs. Clairol

Celia Nicholson
plays Tobaccionist

Nigel Godfrey
plays Tramping Dad

Elizabeth Cassidy
plays Tramping Mum

Jeena Steel
plays Tramping Girl

Mark Tronson
plays Tramping Boy

Stephen Ure
plays Drunk

Stephen Ure as Drunk

Stephen Ure was born on March 28, 1958 and is currently 66 years old.

See Stephen Ure's other roles

Luke Weston
plays Archie Bumstead

Dwayne Cameron
plays Rusty

Crew of One of Them!

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