Cast and Crew of Off the Mark

Cast of
Off the Mark

About Off the Mark

  • Released on January 01, 1987
  • Comedy

A teenaged boy's family once hosted a Russian exchange student in their home for a year. Several years later, as adults, the two find themselves competing against each other in a Triathlon competition.

Full Cast of Off the Mark

Mark Neely
plays Howard Markel

Terry Farrell
plays Jenell Johnson

Clarence Gilyard Jr.
plays James B. White

David D'Arnal
plays Dimitri Suslov

Norman Alden
plays Coach Elam

Norman Alden as Coach Elam

Norman Alden was born on September 13, 1924 and passed away 11 years ago at the age of 87 on July 27, 2012.

See Norman Alden's other roles

Virginia Capers
plays Velma

Jon Cypher
plays John C. Roosevelt

Barry Corbin
plays Walt Warner , Jenell's Pa

Barry Corbin as Walt Warner

Barry Corbin is an American film and television actor. His most well-known role came in the television series Norther...

See Barry Corbin's other roles

Matthew Licht
plays Young Dimitri

Alexander Polinsky
plays Young Howard

Kelly Meadows
plays Young Jenell

Melanie Lasher
plays Pretty Little Girl

Darius Lawrence
plays Young James B.

Susan Luck
plays Muffy

Tally Chanel
plays Sexy Girl

Henry Harris
plays Cop

Billy Barty
plays The Little Russian

Michael Berryman
plays Acme Labs Man

Crew of Off the Mark

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