"Negative / Positive Film" is an avant-garde cinematic masterpiece that breaks the boundaries of traditional filmmaking. This unique creation is a hand-made, camera-less collage film, meticulously composed of layers of erotic 16mm films from the 1920s, 1940s, and 1970s. These provocative films, each from a different era, are intermingled with nature documentaries and layers of organic materials, creating a visual tapestry that is both intriguing and thought-provoking.
The film's visual abstraction is achieved by merging both positive black-and-white film and its negative black-and-white counterpart on the same film base. This innovative technique allows the film to exist in two versions: one positive and the other negative. This duality plays on the concept of opposites, inviting viewers to explore the relationship between light and dark, positive and negative, and eroticism and nature.
The use of organic materials in the film adds an additional layer of complexity and depth. These materials, incorporated alongside the film footage, create a tactile and sensory experience that engages the viewer on a deeper level. Overall, "Negative / Positive Film" is a visual tour de force that challenges the viewer's perception of film, art, and the world around us. It is a must-watch for those who appreciate experimental cinema and innovative storytelling techniques.