"Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" is a captivating anime series set in the Cosmic Era (C.E.) 71, a period where mankind has evolved into two distinct subspecies: Naturals and Coordinators. The Naturals are traditional humans who mainly reside on Earth, while Coordinators are genetically enhanced humans capable of enduring the harsh conditions of space and inhabit orbital colonies called PLANTs. This intriguing premise sets the stage for a complex narrative filled with political intrigue and intense battles.
The story primarily revolves around Kira Yamato, a young Coordinator who finds himself inadvertently entangled in the war between Naturals and Coordinators. His life takes a dramatic turn when a neutral space colony, secretly developing mobile suits for the Earth Alliance, is attacked by ZAFT, the military force of the PLANTs. Kira becomes the unlikely pilot of the Strike, a prototype Gundam, and must grapple with his newfound role in the conflict. For viewers, this character arc provides a compelling exploration of identity, loyalty, and the consequences of war.
In addition to Kira, played by Max Mittelman in the English dub, the series boasts a talented voice cast. Kenichi Suzumura voices Shinn Asuka, a young Coordinator whose life is also irrevocably changed by the war, while Maaya Sakamoto portrays Lunamaria Hawke, a skilled ZAFT mobile suit pilot. These characters, along with a diverse ensemble, add depth and complexity to the series, making "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" a must-watch for fans of science fiction and mecha anime.
Kenichi Suzumura was born September 12, 1974 in Niigata, Japan and raised in Osaka. He is a voice actor and singer cu...
Maaya Sakamoto is a Japanese voice actress and singer. She made her debut as a voice actress in 1992 as the voice of ...
Fumiko Orikasa ( born December 27, 1974 in Taito, Tokyo) is a Japanese voice actress and singer who works for Atomic ...
Mami Koyama was born on January 17, 1955 and is currently 69 years old.
Hiroki Takahashi (高橋 広樹) is a Japanese voice actor.
Toshihiko Seki was born on June 11, 1962 and is currently 62 years old.
Akira Ishida (石田 彰, Ishida Akira, November 2, 1967) is a Japanese voice actor and actor from Nisshin, Aichi. He is af...
Soichiro Hoshi (保志 総一朗, Hoshi Sōichirō) is a Japanese voice actor. He uses the name Takeshi Aiba (相庭 剛志) for his adu...
Naomi Shindo was born on November 9, 1972 and is currently 52 years old.
Shuichi Ikeda is a Japanese actor and voice actor.
Kotono Mitsuishi is a Japanese voice actress and narrator from Tokyo. She was affiliated with Arts Vision and Lasley ...
Takehito Koyasu is a Japanese voice actor. Koyasu is part of the voice actor quartet Weiß consisting of Weiß Kreuz vo...
Nobuyuki Hiyama (檜山 修之, Hiyama Nobuyuki, born August 25, 1967) is a Japanese voice actor from Hatsukaichi City, Hiros...
Houko Kuwashima is a Japanese voice actress and singer.
Megumi Toyoguchi was born on January 2, 1978 and is currently 46 years old.
Tomokazu Seki (born September 8, 1972) is a popular and very famous seiyuu in Japan. He formerly worked for Haikyou, ...
Hideyuki Hori was born on March 23, 1954 and is currently 70 years old.
Isshin Chiba was born on June 26, 1968 and is currently 56 years old.
Hiro Yuuki (born as Teruhisa Tsuyusaki on February 13, 1965) is a Japanese voice actor. In June 2007, he changed the...
Kazuya Nakai was born on November 25, 1967 and is currently 57 years old.
Junichi Suwabe is a Japanese voice actor and singer.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Masakazu Morita (born October 21, 1972) is a seiyū and actor born in Toky...