Cast and Crew of Midnight Visit Record

Cast of
Midnight Visit Record

About Midnight Visit Record

  • Released on April 08, 2016

A reporter from the TV station went to Zhangtou Village, a remote mountain village known for monkey opera, arranged by colleagues Fang Hong and Xiaobin on the TV station to interview. However, after entering the village, many strange things happened to them one after another. Out of the professional instinct of discovering and revealing secrets, the three reporters went deep into the mountain forest to find out, but "Xiaoguang" suddenly went crazy and even disappeared, covering the mountain village with strange things with an unknown fear.

Full Cast of Midnight Visit Record

Sha Yi
plays Xiao Guan

Sha Yi as Xiao Guan

Sha Yi (Chinese: 沙溢) is a Chinese actor.

See Sha Yi's other roles

Hu Ke
plays Fang Danli

Xu Fulai
plays Lee Sihua

Kong Qinsan
plays Trucker

Crew of Midnight Visit Record

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