Cast and Crew of Maximum Force

Cast of
Maximum Force

About Maximum Force

  • Released on October 07, 1992
  • Action

Three renegade cops team up to take on the corrupt chief of police and a crime lords hatchet-man.

Full Cast of Maximum Force

Sam J. Jones
plays Michael Crews

John Saxon
plays Captain Fuller

Mickey Rooney
plays Chief of Police

Mickey Rooney as Chief of Police

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mickey Rooney (born Joseph Yule Jr.; September 23, 1920 – April 6, 2014) was a...

See Mickey Rooney's other roles

Richard Lynch
plays Max Tanabe

Ken Davitian
plays Fat Man

Ken Davitian as Fat Man

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Kenneth "Ken" Davitian (born June 19, 1953) is an American actor who is best ...

See Ken Davitian's other roles

Sonny Landham
plays Pimp

Sherrie Rose
plays Cody Randal

Jason Lively
plays Rick Carver

Jeffrey Anderson-Gunter
plays Rastaman

Jeffrey Anderson-Gunter as Rastaman

Jeffrey Anderson-Gunter was born on September 17, 1946 and is currently 77 years old.

See Jeffrey Anderson-Gunter's other roles

Crew of Maximum Force

Discover the backstage crew of Maximum Force →