Mash and Peas was a parodic sketch show written by and starring Matt Lucas & David Walliams. Their first television work together, it originally aired on Paramount Comedy 1 and Channel 4 between 1996 and 1997. The episodes were repeated before the channel's relaunch in 1999. The programme is made up of parodies of various television genres, introduced by the childish and incompetent Danny Mash and Gareth Peas. Edgar Wright directed and long-standing collaborator Paul Putner appeared throughout.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Reeson Wayne "Reece" Shearsmith (born 27 August 1969 in Hull) is an English...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Matthew Richard "Matt" Lucas (born 5 March 1974) is an English comedian, scree...
English comedian, actor, writer, and TV personality.
Anna Francolini was born on October 30, 1973 and is currently 51 years old.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jessica Hynes (née Stevenson; born 30 October 1972) is an English actress ...
Steven James Pemberton is an English actor, comedian and writer, best known as a member of The League of Gentlemen wi...