Magic Tree House is a 2011 Japanese anime drama film based on the American children fantasy series of the same name. The film is directed by Hiroshi Nishikiori, and the film's screenplay was adapted from the Japanese version of the novel series Magic Tree House by Ichiro Okouchi. The film stars actress Keiko Kitagawa as Jack, and also stars child actress Mana Ashida as Annie. Magic Tree House debuted at the 24th Tokyo International Film Festival on 23 October 2011. It was subsequently released in Japanese cinemas on 7 January 2012.
Keiko Kitagawa (北川 景子 Kitagawa Keiko, born August 22, 1986) is a Japanese actress and former model. She was an exclus...
Fumiko Orikasa ( born December 27, 1974 in Taito, Tokyo) is a Japanese voice actress and singer who works for Atomic ...
Noriko Shitaya was born on April 22, 1982 and is currently 42 years old.
Koichi Yamadera is a Japanese voice actor and radio personality, known for voicing Jim Carrey and Eddie Murphy in the...
Katsuhisa Houki (宝亀 克寿, Hōki Katsuhisa, October 30, 1946), born Katsuaki Houki (箒克朗, Hōki Katsuaki), is a Japanese ac...
Nana Mizuki, born as Nana Kondou, is a Japanese voice actress and singer. Her talent management office is Sigma Seven...
Shozo Iizuka (飯塚 昭三, Iizuka Shozo) was a Japanese voice actor from Fukushima. He graduated from the fine arts departm...