Cast and Crew of Madeline, Study of a Nightmare

Cast of
Madeline, Study of a Nightmare

About Madeline, Study of a Nightmare

  • Released on May 25, 1974

A young woman is tormented by nightmares of her miscarriage. She becomes unfaithful to her husband and meets various lovers. Eventually, reality begins to unfurl around her.

Full Cast of Madeline, Study of a Nightmare

Camille Keaton
plays Madeleine

Riccardo Salvino
plays Luis

Paola Senatore
plays Mary

Silvano Tranquilli
plays Dr. Shuman

Pier Maria Rossi
plays Thomas

Gualtiero Rispoli
plays Antonio

Maria Teresa Piaggio

Mario Donatone

Mario Donatone

Mario Donatone was born on June 9, 1933 and passed away 4 years ago at the age of 86 on April 14, 2020.

See Mario Donatone's other roles

Raimondo Toscano

Alfonso Sarlo
plays Giovanni the Butler

Lorenzo Piani

Alessandro Perrella

Crew of Madeline, Study of a Nightmare

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