Cast and Crew of Lost and Found

Cast of
Lost and Found

About Lost and Found

  • Released on July 13, 1979
  • Comedy

While visiting Switzerland, an American college professor, Adam, keeps running into a divorced British secretary, Patricia, wherever they go. First their cars collide. Then they smash into one another on a ski slope, each breaking a leg. In between numerous quarrels, the two develop lust and love. They hastily marry, but the disagreements continue. Patricia decides to leave, so Adam decides to fake a suicide. They lose and find each other, again and again.

Full Cast of Lost and Found

George Segal
plays Adam

George Segal as Adam

George Segal (February 13, 1934 – March 23, 2021) was an American actor and musician. Segal became popular in the 19...

See George Segal's other roles

Glenda Jackson
plays Tricia

Maureen Stapleton
plays Jemmy

Hollis McLaren
plays Eden

John Cunningham
plays Lenny

Paul Sorvino
plays Reilly

Ken Pogue
plays Julian

Janie Sell
plays Zelda

Diana Barrington
plays Ellie

Leslie Carlson
plays Jean-Paul

John Candy
plays Carpentier

James Morris
plays Gendarme

Bruno Engler
plays Ski Patrol

David Bolt
plays French Doctor

Richard Adams
plays Attendant

Mary Pirie
plays French Nurse

Roger Periard
plays French Lawyer

Lois Maxwell
plays English Woman

Nicole D'Amour
plays French Nurse

Denise Baillargeon
plays French Nurse

Douglas Campbell
plays British Professor

John Anthony Robinow
plays Train Conductor

Robert Goodier
plays French Mayor

Sandy Webster
plays Dr. Bryce

Barbara Hamilton
plays Mrs. Bryce

Patricia Collins
plays Helen Connally

Rob Garrison
plays Ed Connally

Cec Linder
plays Mr. Sanders

James Hurdle
plays Prof. Hurley

Martin Short
plays Engel

Martin Short as Engel

Martin Hayter Short, CM (born March 26, 1950) is a Canadian comedian, actor, writer, singer and producer. He is best ...

See Martin Short's other roles

John Bayliss
plays John Schuster

Dennis Strong
plays Porter

Crew of Lost and Found

Discover the backstage crew of Lost and Found →