“Limit” is a suspenseful thriller about a cop that goes undercover to hunt down the criminal behind a horrific kidnapping case. The police officer who gets involved in the case by taking the place of the kidnapping victim’s parents. As she fights to chase down the criminal, she finds herself caught up in tense, high-stakes mind games with the kidnapper.
Lee Jung-hyun (born February 7, 1980), also known by her occasional stage name Ava, is a South Korean pop singer and actress.
Jin Seo Yeon (Born as Kim Jung Sun) is a Korean actress under J,Wide-Company. Prior to appearing in drama series "Cut...
Park Myung-hoon (Korean: 박명훈; born May 28, 1975), is a South Korean actor. He made his acting debut as a stage actor ...
Kim Ha-Eon is a South Korean child actor.