Cast and Crew of Les Gorilles

Cast of
Les Gorilles

About Les Gorilles

  • Released on April 15, 2015
  • Comedy

Full Cast of Les Gorilles

Manu Payet
plays Walter

Manu Payet as Walter

Manu Payet was born on December 22, 1975 and is currently 48 years old.

See Manu Payet's other roles

plays Alfonso

Alice Belaïdi
plays Jal-Y

Jean Benguigui
plays Vargas

Camille Cottin
plays Emilie

Adel Bencherif
plays Felon

Almamy Kanoute
plays Blanka

Sébastien Castro
plays Garnier

Vincent Grass
plays Instructeur chef

Arnaud Henriet
plays Agent SPHB

Dan Herzberg
plays Serrano

Gilles Lellouche
plays Petrovitch

Gilles Lellouche as Petrovitch

Gilles Lellouche (born 5 July 1972) is a French actor. He started his career as a director. Lellouche has appeared in...

See Gilles Lellouche's other roles

Eye Haïdara
plays Linda

Jean-Marc Mormeck
plays Star saoulée

Thomas Solivérès
plays Gaston

Christophe Kourotchkine
plays Delorme

Hedi Bouchenafa
plays Jeune fourgon

Elsa Léviant
plays Ado aéroport

Crew of Les Gorilles

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