Cast and Crew of Lee Dae-ro Can't Die

Cast of
Lee Dae-ro Can't Die

About Lee Dae-ro Can't Die

Lee Dae-ro Can't Die (이대로, 죽을 순 없다, also known as Short Time) is a 2005 South Korean action film about a corrupt police officer who is told he has only three months to live, and plots his own death so his wife can collect his insurance policy.

Full Cast of Lee Dae-ro Can't Die

Lee Beom-soo
plays Lee Dae-roh

Lee Beom-soo as Lee Dae-roh

Lee Beom-soo (이범수) is a South Korean actor.

See Lee Beom-soo's other roles

Choi Sung-kook
plays Detective Cha Jin-chul

Son Hyun-joo
plays Detective Kang Jong-tae

Byeon Ju-Yeon
plays Lee Hyun-ji

Kang Sung-yeon
plays Kim Young-sook

Park Choong-seon
plays Detective Park

Ryu Tae-ho
plays Jason Park

Choo Ja-hyun
plays Yang Jung-ae

Jo Min-ki
plays Section chief Jo

Yoo Hai-jin
plays Hankal

Oh Hyeon-Kyeong
plays Chairman Ji

Oh Ji-hye
plays Hyun-ji's teacher

Oh Ji-hye as Hyun-ji's teacher

Oh Ji-hye was born on September 3, 1968 and is currently 55 years old.

See Oh Ji-hye's other roles

Yun So-jeong
plays Doctor

Woo Jung-kook

Crew of Lee Dae-ro Can't Die

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