Cast and Crew of Lady-Killer in Trouble

Cast of
Lady-Killer in Trouble

About Lady-Killer in Trouble

Captain Kovács investigates the case of a taxi driver who was knocked down and later he disappeared without leaving a trace. Responding the call of the police six women present themselves: they all confess to be the fiancée of the driver.

Full Cast of Lady-Killer in Trouble

Sándor Pécsi
plays Kovács Péter rendörörnagy

Sándor Pécsi as Kovács Péter rendörörnagy

Sándor Pécsi was born on March 18, 1922 and passed away 51 years ago at the age of 50 on November 4, 1972.

See Sándor Pécsi's other roles

Crew of Lady-Killer in Trouble

Discover the backstage crew of Lady-Killer in Trouble →