It Takes Two is an American sitcom, created by Susan Harris, that aired on ABC from October 14, 1982 to April 28, 1983. The series starred Richard Crenna as Dr. Sam Quinn and Patty Duke Astin as his devoted wife Molly.
Robert Picardo (born October 27, 1953) is an American actor. He is best known for his portrayals of Dr. Dick Richards...
Joel Brooks is an actor.
Michael Horse was born on December 21, 1951 and is currently 72 years old.
Helen Elizabeth Hunt (born June 15, 1963) is an American actress, film director, and screenwriter. She starred in the...
Anthony Edwards (born July 19, 1962) is an American actor and director. He has appeared in various movies and televis...
William Sanderson (born January 10, 1944) is an American character actor.