"Iris" is a captivating and innovative short film that pushes the boundaries of conventional filmmaking. This experimental piece masterfully weaves together found 16mm footage, original tape loops, and vintage recordings to create a unique cinematic experience. The film delves into themes of attention, suspension, and the intriguing interplay between language, music, and what can be termed as "aural phantoms". These elements are all explored outside the confines of traditional filmmaking norms, making "Iris" a truly distinctive work of art.
The film's title, "Iris", is a nod to early cinematic techniques, specifically the iris shot. In the early days of cinema, the iris shot was used to gradually begin or end a scene, much like the opening and closing of the human eye's iris. This technique was not just a stylistic choice but also served to direct the audience's attention towards something of significance within the shot. "Iris" cleverly plays with this concept, using it to guide the viewer's focus and create a sense of anticipation and suspense.
However, "Iris" is not just a nostalgic homage to the past. It also challenges the "recommended range" of filmmaking, pushing the limits of what can be achieved in a short film. By exploring the slippage between language, music, and aural phantoms, "Iris" invites viewers to consider the power of sound and silence in cinema. This thought-provoking film is a must-watch for anyone interested in experimental filmmaking or the evolution of cinematic techniques.