In the year 2022, the vampire Louis de Pointe du Lac lives in Dubai and seeks to tell the story of his life or afterlife to renowned journalist Daniel Molloy. Beginning in early 20th-century New Orleans, Louis' story follows his relationship with the vampire Lestat du Lioncourt and their formed family, including teen fledgling Claudia. Together, the vampire family endures immortality in New Orleans and beyond. As the interview continues in Dubai, Molloy discovers the truths beneath Louis' story.
Jacob Basil Anderson is an English actor and record producer. He is known for Game of Thrones (2011), Doctor Who (202...
Eric Bogosian (born April 24, 1953) is an American actor, playwright, monologist, and novelist.
Bailey Bass is an American actress, best known for playing the role of Tsireya in the science fiction film Avatar: Th...