Cast and Crew of I WeirDO

Cast of
I WeirDO

About I WeirDO

  • Released on August 07, 2020

Po-Ching is an OCD patient with serious symptoms of mysophobia. His “quirkiness” has also isolated him from the general public and people see him as a completely weirdo. Po-Ching goes out for grocery shopping on the 15th of each month. Someday, he meets another weirdo Chen Ching.

Full Cast of I WeirDO

Austin Lin
plays Chen Po-ching

Austin Lin as Chen Po-ching

Austin Lin was born on January 27, 1988 and is currently 36 years old.

See Austin Lin's other roles

Nikki Hsieh
plays Chen Ching

Shao-Huai Chang
plays Psychatrist

Aviis Zhong
plays Mei-Yu

Cheng-Chun Chung
plays Chen Ching's Colleague

Crew of I WeirDO

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