Cast and Crew of I'm Getting a Yacht

Cast of
I'm Getting a Yacht

About I'm Getting a Yacht

  • Released on December 23, 1980

A dentist buys a small yacht and takes his two children on a cruise of the Mediterranean. His ex-wife stows away to keep an eye on the children and the inevitable happens.

Full Cast of I'm Getting a Yacht

Laura Antonelli
plays Roberta

Johnny Dorelli
plays Dr. Piero Savelli

Christian De Sica
plays Attilio

Cariddi Nardulli
plays Fiorella Savelli

Itaco Nardulli
plays Claudio Savelli

Daniela Poggi
plays Alessia

West Buchanan
plays Solo navigator

Franco Giacobini
plays Fugitive #1

Daniele Formica
plays Salesman

Vittorio Musy Glori
plays Casorati

Sal Borgese
plays Fugitive #2

Helen Sterling
plays Lady Hamilton

Mimmo Poli
plays parcheggiatore

Mario Donatone

Mario Donatone

Mario Donatone was born on June 9, 1933 and passed away 4 years ago at the age of 86 on April 14, 2020.

See Mario Donatone's other roles

Ennio Antonelli

Rossana Canghiari

Luciano Zanussi

Crew of I'm Getting a Yacht

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