Kimberly Jansen is a single mother who lives in a small Canadian town. After cutting her hand at a party, she visits the hospital to seek what she assumes will be routine treatment. Instead, she falls victim to a predator in a white coat: Dr. Richard Darian, who drugs her and rapes her while she is asleep. Kimberly attempts to press charges, but the townsfolk and the local police, who regard her as a tramp and respect the doctor, dismiss her accusations.
John Hannah (born 23 April 1962) is a Scottish actor of film and television. He has appeared in Stephen Sommers Mummy...
Aaron Pearl was born on May 11, 1972 and is currently 52 years old.
Tim Henry was born on August 3, 1944 and is currently 80 years old.
Tom Butler is a Canadian television and film actor. He best known for his television role on the science fiction ser...