Cast and Crew of Hold On!

Cast of
Hold On!

About Hold On!

  • Released on June 22, 1966

Herman's Hermits' first film, in which the British band has the chance to have an American spacecraft named for them.

Full Cast of Hold On!

Peter Noone
plays Herman

Karl Green
plays Karl

Keith Hopwood
plays Keith

Derek Leckenby
plays Derek

Barry Whitwam
plays Barry

Shelley Fabares
plays Louisa Page

Sue Ane Langdon
plays Cecile Bannister

Herbert Anderson
plays Ed Lindquist

Bernard Fox
plays Dudley Hawks

Bernard Fox as Dudley Hawks

Bernard Lawson (11 May 1927 – 14 December 2016), better known as Bernard Fox, was a Welsh actor. He is remembered for...

See Bernard Fox's other roles

Harry Hickox
plays Colby Grant

Hortense Petra
plays Henrietta Page

Crew of Hold On!

Discover the backstage crew of Hold On! →